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Intuitive Eating During the Holidays

6 Tips to Stress Less About Food This Holiday Season

This time of year can be so hard when it comes to food. There are holiday goodies everywhere, in addition to the parties and family gatherings. We’re told to “eat, drink and be merry,” but how do you do that without feeling guilty or overwhelmed about the food? I’ve got you covered!

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Ready to enjoy holiday foods without the guilt?

This guide is for you, if you...

Want to make Christmas cookies without worrying you’ll binge on them.

Are ready for a Thanksgiving dinner that doesn’t include a side of shame with your turkey and mashed potatoes.

Want to navigate the holidays while still eating intuitively - even if it feels tricky this time of year.

Don’t want to start another New Year on a diet or “healthy eating” plan.

Get Your Free Guide Now

Inside the Intuitive Eating During the Holidays guide, you’ll get:

  • 6 of my BEST tips for listening to your body and trusting yourself with holiday foods.
  • The confidence to eat the holiday foods you love, without guilt, and without going overboard.
  • Strategies with food that allow you to stress less and celebrate more so you can actually enjoy the holidays and be fully present.
I want this!
intuitive eating during the holidays guide cover
intuitive eating coach

A note from Katy Harvey

The holidays can be an incredibly stressful time, especially around food. And when you’re trying to eat intuitively, the holiday meals and foods all around can feel overwhelming.
Intuitive eating is something that takes time, practice, and a whole lot of patience. (I’m guessing you already knew that, right?) And it can definitely be harder during the holidays when there is food everywhere and we are out of our routines.

Let’s go into this holiday season with the mindset of listening to your body and honoring what it needs.

Remember, it’s not about being “perfect” with these things. It’s about experimenting and figuring out what works for YOU.

With love,

Katy Harvey

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