The Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience
A virtual workshop for women who want to feel clear and confident about their eating
Unleash the power of intuitive eating so you can trust yourself fully with food
This Virtual Workshop Takes Place
Saturday, July 15, 2023
9am-12pm CST
Ever had someone question why you are practicing intuitive eating?
Or even worse, has anyone ever made you second guess your decision to ditch dieting? Maybe you've thought to yourself:
❱❱ “Intuitive eating might not work for me…”
❱❱ “I should do one more diet to lose some weight and then come back to intuitive eating...”
❱❱ “I can't eat what I want because it will ruin my health…”
❱❱ “I *have to* lose weight or I'll never be comfortable in my body…”
❱❱ “Maybe this wasn't such a great idea…”
And the tricky thing about those thoughts?
They're not true, and they're holding you back.
But you don't have to question your intuitive eating abilities anymore. You already know that dieting makes things worse.

Diets don't work
Dieting is the #1 cause of slowed metabolism and weight GAIN (even if you lose weight at first on a diet). Keto, intermittent fasting, South Beach, Atkins, Paleo... you name it. Every diet promises the same thing— to change your body and make it thinner, more “toned,” healthier. Cue the never-ending cycle of following food rules to control your physical appearance.
But those results don’t last because restricting food and following fad diets isn’t sustainable.
You know this. You’ve tried.

Thinking you "have to" lose weight keeps you stuck
Surely some tough love is good…right? I mean, don't you have to be brutally honest with yourself about your health and your weight?
Nope. Shaming yourself about your weight is only going to make things worse. Learning how to treat your body with kindness and respect (even on the says you don't like it) is the key to taking care of your *actual* health in ways that are effective long-term.

Intuitive eating is not a free-for-all with food
Some people misinterpret intuitive eating to mean "eat whatever you want, whenever. you want." I have a secret to tell you...
That's impulsive eating, not intuitive eating.
Getting crystal clear on how intuitive eating is truly meant to work will help you find the peace and freedom with food that you've been yearning for.
...Are you with me on this?
Then keep reading.
Imagine, for a moment, how *flipping* amazing it would be to...

✔ Eat with the confidence that you are doing what's right for YOU and your body
✔ Clearly explain intuitive eating to your friends and family without second-guessing yourself (even if they're naysayers)
✔ Feel comfortable in you own skin no matter what weight, shape, or size you are or how much cellulite is on your thighs
✔ Make empowered decisions about your health (without body shaming yourself)
✔ Keep your former binge foods in the house and forget they're even there because they have no power over you anymore—*gasp*
YES! Sign me up for the workshop!The truth is… ALL of that is possible.
You can eat intuitively while still honoring your health.
You can be happy and kind to your body even if you don't love the number on the scale.
You can listen to your body with confidence even if people around you are doing keto, intermittent fasting or are fatphobic.
Thinking to yourself… “Yes! That’s what I want. But… how do I do it?!”
...It’s time we take your intuitive eating process to the next level.

Katy here —
True-crime junkie, coffee lover (a good ol’ fashioned vanilla latte is my jam!), momma to two boys, and non-diet dietitian on a mission to help women make peace with food with intuitive eating.
I’m not your average dietitian. I'm a diet culture dropout who believes in trusting our bodies and practicing body kindness.
Because through all my studying, exams, experimenting, and diet mentality (yup, it happens to dietitians too!), the one thing that gave me freedom from obsessing over food was embracing intuitive eating and a non-diet way of life.
Let me explain.
Unleash Your Inner Intuitive Eater

You see, the problem is that we’ve been taught that we can't trust ourselves or our bodies.
So the idea of listening to our bodies and eating intuitively can be terrifying.
Diet culture has brainwashed us — especially women — to believe that we need to control our food to control our bodies.
You were born with the ability to eat intuitively.
And it's time to reclaim this birthright.
Intuitive eating teaches us to undo those harmful lessons we’ve been taught, to unwind the harmful narratives we’ve adopted, so we can finally LIVE LIFE FULLY.
Welcome to the

The 3-hour live interactive workshop on July 15, 2023, that teaches you how to ignite your confidence as an intuitive eater so that you can unapologetically enjoy food, without second-guessing yourself ever again (*sigh of relief*). Let's do this!

Inside the Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience, you’ll become so clear and confident about your intuitive eating process that you could teach it to other people.
You will leave without a doubt in your mind that you are doing what's right for you and your body.
GRAB TICKETS NOW!Let's break it down:

How to Create Your Clear & Confident Intuitive Eating Voice
The Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience kicks off with a training on how to be crystal clear about WHY and HOW intuitive eating is right for you. No more self-doubting!
You’ll discover:
❱❱ How to explain (to yourself and others) the reasons that dieting doesn't work
❱❱ What to say to someone who doesn't "get it" when it comes to the intuitive eating approach
❱❱ How to set boundaries with nay-sayers in your life so they don't derail your progress.

Attuned Eating Experience
Bring a snack, because this is where I'm going to walk you through a guided eating experiential activity to help you dial into your body's appetite cues like a pro.
You’ll learn how to:
❱❱ Do a quick and easy body check in before you eat to know if you're actually hungry, how hungry you are, and what you're hungry for
❱❱ Listen for your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues — yes! You were born with those
❱❱ Practice eating mindfully and using all of your senses to have a *chef's kiss* satisfying eating experience
❱❱ Calm your "monkey mind" from any worries or judgments that come up while you're eating so that you can stay tuned into your body's natural cues

3 Ways to "Decharm" the Foods You're Afraid to Keep in the House
Decharming is something that I've always taught inside Non-Diet Academy, and in this BRAND NEW updated version of the training I'm showing you 3 different ways you can decharm those foods that have power over you.
You're going to learn how to strategically incorporate those challenging foods so that they no longer call to you from the kitchen.
P.S. I know this is scary! But it is so, so worth it.
You’ll learn how to:
❱❱ Reframe your internalized judgments about food, health and weight gain
❱❱ Finally make peace with ALL foods so you can eat what makes your body feel happy, satisfied and healthy
❱❱ Nail down a game plan for how EXACTLY you will decharm a specific food over the next 7 days

You’ll also get these special workshop bonuses to make intuitive eating simpler than ever

Scripts for Intuitive Eating Conversations
(a $47 value)
Ever feel stuck on what to say about intuitive eating? Do you have a spouse or friend who is a skeptic, and you wish you had the confidence to navigate those conversations with them? Worried your doctor is going to bring up dieting or your weight?
In this bonus guide, I'm giving you scripts and talking points for things you can say in conversations about food, weight, exercise and health.
Whether you're talking to your partner, parent, friend, coworker or doctor - you're going to know what to say with confidence and clarity.
Digital Action Guide
(a $37 value)
Use this exclusive workbook to follow along, take notes and implement what you learn inside this workshop.
If you're a note takin' gal like me, this will make your heart sing. It's got space for you to make notes, complete the activities, and to jot down questions that come up along the way.
You'll make the most out of the workshop by using the Digital Action Guide during our time together AND afterwards to keep your momentum going.

AND...When You Purchase the VIP Ticket You Get MORE Bonuses!
(a $300 value)
Anyone with a VIP ticket to the event will also get:
❱❱ Personal Intuitive Eating Audit: A 1:1 coaching session with me to see where you're at on your journey and to identify things that will accelerate your progress
❱❱ Recordings of the live event. Whether you can't make it live or you want to be able to rewatch it to catch things you might have missed, these recordings are all yours for 60-days at the VIP level only.
❱❱ VIP Q&A session. As a VIP member you're invited to an exclusive Q&A session where you can ask all your burning questions you might have about intuitive eating, body image or food freedom.
And in case you’re wondering how exactly this live workshop works...
👀 The Details
✓ A live 3-hour virtual workshop on Saturday, July 15, 2023 from 9am-12pm CST
✓ Hosted on Zoom so all you have to do is click the link to join
✓ Hands-on training with activities where you can practice your intuitive eating skills in real time (including an attuned eating experience, practice conversations, and setting up your decharming plan)
✓ Taught by an intuitive eating dietitian—aka me! I’ve studied nutrition, body image psychology, and disordered eating and I’ve helped dozens of women just like you ditch dieting for good and make peace with food
I only want you to join this program if it’ll help you heal your relationship with food & build a new, deeply loving relationship with your body
So I’ve made you a nifty chart to tell if this program is perfect for you (or not!)!
The Empowered IE Experience is *definitely* for you if...
✓ You’re familiar with intuitive eating already and you want to feel more confident about how you are implementing it in your life (especially if you've already been a student in one of my programs!)
✓ You want to find true peace and freedom with food so you don’t have to waste any more mental energy thinking about what you’re eating
✓ You’re done with counting calories, carbs, and points but you can’t seem to move on from thinking about food as healthy/unhealthy
✓ You want to get clear on how to eat intuitively while also taking care of your HEALTH
✓ You’ve been trying intuitive eating, but something is missing. You want to get to the place where you truly trust yourself with ALL foods
✓ You’re ready to finally feel accepting of your body and comfortable in your own skin
The Empowered IE Experience is *not* for you if...
❌ You’re not ready to let go of dieting yet because you still think it *will* work
❌ You’re totally new to the concept of intuitive eating or you've never heard of it before
❌ You’re looking for a quick-fix or a silver bullet to help you control your cravings
❌ You’re uninterested in learning about body acceptance and body image—because those are two BIG pieces of the intuitive eating puzzle
❌ You don’t have the time or bandwidth to implement the program material
The Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience is — quite literally — made for you!
(just like your favorite pair of sweatpants)
Join me to learn how to embrace intuitive eating with clarity and confidence, and take your food freedom journey to the next level.
I’ve been doing intuitive eating for a while. Will this be too simplistic for me?
Will there be a replay?
Do I have to show up online at a scheduled time?
Will I have to buy any additional books or other materials to take this course?
Is there a refund policy?
How long will I have access to the VIP recordings?
Is this workshop good if I've already taken Non-Diet Academy or your other programs?

If you’re meeting me way down here at the bottom of the page, I’m going to go out on a limb and say...
Something is resonating with you. Maybe you're feeling ok-ish about how you're doing wtih food. And you're not really sure if you need this workshop to help you make more progress.
Which is very fair. It's important to ask those questions.
I'd invite you to consider this...

What's the harm in doing something that is going to help you feel more clear and confident about how intuitive eating fits into your life?
What's the harm in connecting with others who are working on the same thing? (I'd argue that we actually learn a ton from others' experiences!)
What's the harm in practicing some more advanced intuitive eating concepts with a seasoned pro (yours truly)?
This is an opportunity to overcome all of your self-doubts about the intuitive eating process.

You CAN feel clear, confident and unshakable in your relationship with food.
If you're ready to take your intuitive eating process to the next level...
I’d be honored to guide you on your journey to empowered eating and a full and vibrant life—cake or no cake.
You with me?
I can’t wait to see you there!
With love,

Join the Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience Today
If you have ANY questions about whether the Empowered Intuitive Eating Experience is right for you, don't hesitate to reach out.
You can email me at [email protected]